In a shocking turn of events, a man named Sarpong made a harrowing appearance on the popular TV show Oyerepa Afutuo on Friday, June 7, 2024. With a heavy heart and restless mind, he recounted the inexplicable death of his beloved girlfriend Maabena under mysterious circumstances.
They had been dating for over a year and lived together in Tafo, a suburb of Kumasi in the Ashanti region of Ghana. According to Sarpong, the incident occured about a month and a week ago. As the clock struck 8 p.m., Sarpong and his girlfriend retired for the night, seeking solace in the embrace of sleep. Little did he know that this quiet evening would soon turn into a nightmare of unimaginable proportions.
At 1 a.m., Sarpong woke up to find his girlfriend missing from her room. Panic set in as he frantically searched for her at her workplace later that early morning, but she wasn’t there and her phone was switched off. He received a call from a town called Bekwai, about 43 km away, that Maabena was seriously ill and was being admitted to the emergency unit of the Bekwai Government Hospital. He quickly rushed to the hospital but found no trace of his girlfriend. Just as he was leaving the hospital, another call was received from a police officer on the late Maabena’s mobile phone, warning Sarpong to report to Bekwai Police Station. Upon meeting with the investigating officer, he was given the news indicating that Maabena’s remains had been discovered in front of a container shop. Sarpong would later go to the mortuary to confirm the identity of Maabena and it eventually turned out to be the remains of the love of his life.
The circumstances surrounding the Maabena’s demise left everyone in shock. The atmosphere in the studio’s of Oyerepa Afotuo was left with bewilderment and disbelief as Sarpong tried to make sense of the inexplicable turn of events. What could have happened between the time they went to sleep and the tragic discovery in the early hours of the morning? Stay tuned as brings you updates on this shocking story.
Watch video of Sarpong’s statements below.